Haniel Operating Way

With our Group-wide operating system, we drive operational excellence, best-in-class talent development, and growth through Enkelfähig solutions.

Operating system

How we make enkelfähig happen

Haniel portfolio companies generally operate independently. However, to drive the enkelfähig transformation in the Group in a targeted manner, we have developed a shared operating system – the Haniel Operating Way (HOW).

HOW provides common guidelines, focusing on customer orientation, employee experience and growth through enkelfähig solutions to achieve operational excellence in each of our investments.


Haniel Operating Way (HOW)

HOW is our shared operating system. Focussing on customer and employee experience as well as growth through enkelfähig solutions, it helps standardize processes and tools across the Haniel Group while giving each company the freedom to shape their own business activities.


HOW Haniel Operating Way Logo


How do we reach our goals?

Enabling outperformance

HOW stabilizes performance across the Haniel Group and makes achievements transferable from one organization to another. Haniel experts support all business units not only in implementing the mandatory foundational elements of HOW but also in developing a specific roadmap for each portfolio company. As a strategic architect, we actively provide guidance, challenge business strategies, set ambitious targets, ensure strong talent development and structure best practice sharing.

Employee experience

Our employees are our greatest strength. That is why we focus on developing shared leadership principles, world-class talent processes as well as an open work environment that fosters diversity and inclusion. 

Customer experience

Our customers are at the center of everything we do. The rigorous roll-out of lean working methods helps us meet their expectations with first-class service – through continuous improvement and the involvement of all employees.

Enkelfähig growth

No growth without impact. Going forward, we will generate an increasingly large share of our revenue from enkelfähig products and services. They must not only be profitable, but also more sustainable than other solutions.

Talent development

A strong team

We develop potential

We take an integrated approach to talent management. This means we focus on the employee experience as well as on leadership and developing executives. To this end, we ensure attractive development opportunities throughout the Group via an internal talent pool, provide targeted support for women – e.g., via a mentoring program – and use our Group's own academy to train managers from our own ranks. The academy also plays a central role in standardizing the understanding of leadership across the entire Group: We want managers with outstanding leadership qualities who exemplify our shared culture and act as talent managers and coaches to successfully develop other talents.

Matt Smith facilitates a leadership event

Lifelong learning

Enkelfähig Academy

The academy provides a learning environment for employees from all portfolio companies, promotes individual development and supports our enkelfähig transformation.